Hosted by the Coaldale Chamber of Commerce
CHP – Geffrey Capp
Conservative – Rachael Harder
Liberal – Devan Hargreaves
People’s Party – Kimmie Hovan
Independent – Kim Siever
NDP – Elaine Perez (Regrets)
Broadcast date: September 13, 2021
September 10, 2021
(Coaldale, AB) Kicking off this year’s forum circuit, the Coaldale Chamber of Commerce has extended an invitation to local federal candidates asking them to engage with the residents of Coaldale for the upcoming election. This forum is the first of two taking place in the Lethbridge region.
René van de Vendel, president of the Coaldale Chamber, wants to ensure that business and community members have access to these candidates, providing an opportunity to get know them better through a forum.
One of the roles of the Coaldale Chamber is to raise various initiatives and issues concerning businesses with all levels of government. This also extends into the agricultural sector. “We as a Chamber believe this forum fits our mandate of providing a great opportunity to all Coaldale and area residents to ask questions and get informed,” says van de Vendel.
The forum will unfold with a slate of pre-selected questions. The public is encouraged to submit their questions to prior to the event. A brief question and answer period will also be part of the evening.
The candidate forum will take place at the Coaldale Community Centre on Monday, September 13, starting at 7:00 p.m. and will be broadcast via Facebook Live. Anyone interested in physically attending this event will be required to wear a mask when entering the facility as per current AHS health mandates.
Constituents cast their votes on September 20, 2021 with advance polls opening from September 10-13. Not sure about your voter registration status? Register to vote or update your personal information by going to All voters will require photo ID on election day. Those who have not pre-registered to vote can still do so by presenting photo identification and proof of current address to their local polling station.
For more information please reach out
Colleen Van Raalte
Executive Director
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