Local Advocacy

Working to provide support for our local business


The Local Advocacy Committee exists to communicate with Town council and administration. 
It also coordinates with special interest groups, representing concerns of the general membership.

Local Advocacy

Committee Chair

Leonard Fast

Business 6

How the Local Advocacy Committee work for business?

  • Fosters a positive relationship with Town Council Members
  • Attends Town Council meetings on a regular basis and/or review Town Council minutes.
  • Presents summary of Town Council meeting info as it relates to or has on impact on business to the Chamber Board
  • Liaises between the Chamber and the Town
  • Creates any sub committees as necessary to represent specific locations or industry groups, with the purpose to identify and provide specific support and opportunity for these groups.
  • Prepares a budget on behalf of the committee to be submitted to the Executive for the annual budget.
  • Follows the budget as approved

Working with Business for Business

Anyone from the community can be part of of the committee. Consider joining today!